BlogMolly Malone: The Fair Face of Dublin MollyJanuary 11, 20182.6K views “In Dublin’s Fair City, Where The Girls Are So Pretty, I First Set My Eyes on Sweet Molly… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogCelebrating a Celtic Christmas: 3 Irish Traditions MollyDecember 14, 20172.4K views Ireland has many unique Christmas traditions. From the very poignant to the downright bizarre, Ireland’s festive celebrations are… 11 Shares 0 11
Celtic SymbolsThe Book of Kells: A Treasure of the Western World MollyNovember 2, 20175.4K views Once described as “the chief treasure of the western world,” the exquisite Book of Kells manuscript is one… 0 Shares 0 0
History & HeritageHallowe’en in Ireland: 5 Creepy Celtic Customs MollyOctober 31, 20172.1K views Did you know that Halloween comes from an Ancient Celtic Festival? The Hibernian Heritage of Hallowe’en Hallowe’een (or Oíche Shamhna in… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogAhoy! Pirate Admirers JennaSeptember 19, 20171.1K views September 19 marks International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Created in 1995 by John Baur (Ol’ Chumbucket) and… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogFairy Forts & Tales of Magical Mischief MollySeptember 13, 20174.6K views The thousands of fairy forts dotted throughout the Emerald Isles remind us of the unshakable superstitions of Old… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogFive Bingeworthy Irish Books for #ReadABookDay MollySeptember 5, 2017985 views Header Image: Trinity College Old Library ‘Long Room’ — Dublin. By Tony Webster from Portland, Oregon, United States (Trinity… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogCork For… Historians Phoebe WebbSeptember 1, 20172.5K views Header Image: St Patrick’s Street, Cork. Source: This one is for the history lovers. Whether you are… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogThe Gift of the Gab: Just a Load of Blarney? MollyAugust 28, 20173.6K views Legend has it that the magical Blarney Stone imparts the “gift of the gab” upon those who kiss… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogThe Irish Wolfhound: A Symbol of Nobility & Integrity MollyAugust 24, 20172.6K views The Irish Wolfhound has long been regarded as one of the Emerald Isle’s most cherished breeds. To celebrate National… 0 Shares 0 0