BlogCork for… Culture Vultures Phoebe WebbSeptember 22, 20171.0K views Tonight is Cork Culture Night so we at Blarney Woollen Mills have selected our favourite events that are… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogCork for… Adventurers Phoebe WebbSeptember 15, 20171.2K views The Lonely Planet recently named Ireland as a top destination for adventure vacations. If you’re an adrenaline junkie searching… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogCork for… Families Phoebe WebbSeptember 8, 20171.1K views Cork has a fantastic range of activities for the whole family to enjoy. It was hard to narrow… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogCork For… Historians Phoebe WebbSeptember 1, 20172.5K views Header Image: St Patrick’s Street, Cork. Source: This one is for the history lovers. Whether you are… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogCelebrating Ireland’s Canadian Connection! Phoebe WebbJune 29, 20172.5K views Blarney Woollen Mills is joining our friends in Canada to celebrate their national day on July 1st. We… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogCelebrating Traditional Irish Music on World Music Day Phoebe WebbJune 21, 20171.7K views Happy World Music Day everybody! This year Blarney Woollen Mills are celebrating with some traditional Irish music. Header Image… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogCelebrating Bloomsday and Irish Literature Phoebe WebbJune 14, 20171.8K views Ireland is renowned throughout the world for its rich literary heritage. Bloomsday is all about celebrating one of Ireland’s… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogAnam Cara; The Celtic Philosophy of Friendship Phoebe WebbJune 7, 20175.4K views You may have heard of the phrase Anam Cara, but what does it mean and where did it… 2 Shares 0 2
BlogIrish Linen: Woven with Tradition Phoebe WebbMay 12, 20172.3K views Irish linen is a fabric made from a humble flax seed. The plant fibre is spun in to… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogPop the Question With the Perfect Ring Phoebe WebbMay 5, 20171.1K views Being engaged is one of the most exciting things you can experience in your life. There is nothing… 0 Shares 0 0