Irish DesignBlarney Aran Experience: Wear Your Heritage Liane McCarthyAugust 14, 20241.1K views Discover Your Heritage Experience the Blarney Aran Experience at Blarney Woollen Mills, where pride and heritage come together… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogDavid Minehan: Celebrating Irish Tradition Through Art Liane McCarthyAugust 12, 2024839 views David Minehan: Celebrating Irish Tradition Through Art David Minehan is an Irish artist who captures the essence of… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogFall Fashion 2024: Autumn Staples For Women Liane McCarthyJuly 26, 20241.1K views Autumn is just around the corner, and there’s no better time to invest in your style. Autumn is… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogBoru Jewelry: A Legacy of Craft Terri MurphyOctober 25, 20197.1K views Q&A with Lisa and Paul O’Neill, Founders, Owners and Designers of Boru Jewelry: What was the inspiration behind… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogGarrett Mallon Jewelry: Irish Folklore Inspired Terri MurphyAugust 28, 20199.0K views Q&A with Garrett Mallon, Founder, Owner and Designer of Garrett Mallon Jewelry: What was the inspiration behind… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogThe Trinity Knot: A Classic Celtic Symbol Terri MurphyAugust 21, 20192.2K views The Story of the Trinity Knot Trinity Knot The Triquetra, Trinity Knot or Celtic Triangle is one of… 1 Shares 0 1
BlogThe Tree of Life: An Ancient Symbol of Celtic Culture Terri MurphyMay 7, 20193.1K views The Tree of Life In honor of the upcoming ‘Love a Tree Day’ on May 16th, we decided… 0 Shares 0 0
History & HeritageLove & Vengeance: The Legend of Diarmuid & Gráinne MollyJanuary 29, 20181.9K views Believed to date back to the 9th century, the ancient Celtic tale of Diarmuid & Gráinne is a… 0 Shares 0 0
Celtic SymbolsThe Book of Kells: A Treasure of the Western World MollyNovember 2, 20175.4K views Once described as “the chief treasure of the western world,” the exquisite Book of Kells manuscript is one… 0 Shares 0 0
History & HeritageHallowe’en in Ireland: 5 Creepy Celtic Customs MollyOctober 31, 20172.0K views Did you know that Halloween comes from an Ancient Celtic Festival? The Hibernian Heritage of Hallowe’en Hallowe’een (or Oíche Shamhna in… 0 Shares 0 0