Apple Crumble: The Ultimate Irish Comfort Food

Easy to bake and even easier to devour, Apple Crumble is a true Irish staple.  This recipe is perfect for even the most pastry-challenged! 

If you’re looking for good, simple comfort food, than you can’t do much better than Apple Crumble. The Apple Crumble is a staple across family dinnertables throughout the country. The waft of a crumble coming out of the oven is one of the mouth-wateringly enticing smells you will ever experience.

Whether you’re looking for a winter warmer or a light, summer tart the ever-reliable Apple Crumble will do the job.

“Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness.”

Jane Austen



  • 6 ounces (225g) plain flour
  • 2 ounces (50g) porridge oats
  • 3 ounces (85g) butter
  • 3 – 4 ounces (85-110g) brown sugar
  • 2 Large cooking apples (peeled and sliced)
  • 2 ounces (50g) sugar (increase depending on tartness of apples)



  1.  Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  2.  Sift the flour into a large bowl.
  3. Rub the flour and the butter together with your fingertips. Continue until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs.
  4. Mix in the brown sugar and oats. Put aside the crumble while preparing the apples.
  5. Grease a 1.5 quart oven-proof dish.
  6. Peel and slice the apples (and whatever other fruit you may be using)
  7. Layer the fruit and sugar in the base of the dish.
  8. Spread the crumble mix over the top. Cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes.
  9. Serve warm with cream, hot custard or ice cream.
Tipperary Apple Farm is a great idea for a family day out, especially if the sun is shining!

Make Your Bake Great

For extra deliciousness, throw in more fruit. Use whatever is in season – classic pairings include strawberries, blackberries and rhubarb (my own personal favorite).
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