Celtic SymbolsThe Book of Kells: A Treasure of the Western World MollyNovember 2, 20175.4K views Once described as “the chief treasure of the western world,” the exquisite Book of Kells manuscript is one… 0 Shares 0 0
History & HeritageHallowe’en in Ireland: 5 Creepy Celtic Customs MollyOctober 31, 20172.1K views Did you know that Halloween comes from an Ancient Celtic Festival? The Hibernian Heritage of Hallowe’en Hallowe’een (or Oíche Shamhna in… 0 Shares 0 0
History & HeritageIrish Legends: Children of Lir Phoebe WebbApril 27, 20172.9K views s the story goes, the Children of Lir were children of King Lir and his wife Eva. King… 12 Shares 0 12
History & HeritageIrish Dancing: The History and What it is Today Phoebe WebbApril 6, 20173.2K views The origins and history of Irish dancing is not clear, nor defined, but we can piece together bits… 0 Shares 0 0